Entries by Leslie Williams

Why Do Women Rock At Crowdsourcing?

The Wall Street Journey reports that women are 13% more likely than men to reach their fundraising goals on sites like Kickstarter, where anyone can set up a project and request others to help fund it. The article doesn’t talk about the reasons for this success, so I’m interested in your take…  Why do you […]

‘Uninstalling’ Subtle Sexism

The public discourse surrounding New York Times’ editor Jill Abramson’s recent firing has been fascinating to watch. Though we still don’t know exactly what happened and why, one of the prevailing theories is that Abramson was fired partly because of her “brusque” manner and “pushy” approach to confronting top management about compensation. Abramson’s firing has […]

Melissa Harris-Perry: The Power of Authentic Emotion

I often hear women say that they can’t show emotion at work or they’ll get ‘killed.’ Historically, it has been risky – even career-ending – for women leaders to show emotion, especially in male-dominated cultures. Somehow it makes them seem less credible, less tough, less … you name it. So for survival, women try to […]

‘No’ is a complete sentence. (Anne Lamott)

Gracesters, this one’s for you. What happens when you imagine saying ‘no’ to someone? Does your chest tighten or your stomach knot up? Do emotions arise? Anxiety, perhaps, or even panic? How do you react mentally? Maybe you get fuzzy-headed or think, “Oh, I couldn’t possibly refuse.” Now recall a recent time when you actually […]

GM’s First Female CEO: Does This Matter?

Mary Barra is making history. She’s the new CEO of General Motors and the first woman to head up a large auto manufacturer. It’s big news for sure, but it’s got me wondering: is Barra’s gender of any real consequence? Here are a few different perspectives on that question. Parity. From the gender equality point […]